Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Men Expect

Women are often perplexed in their efforts to figure out what men really need to be happy and contented. At the end of the day, Eve's daughters simply shake their heads, shrug their shoulders, and tell themselves that men will always be a complex mystery.

This shouldn't always be the case, however. Since the root of all misunderstandings between the opposite sexes is probably the fact that each party has their own misconceptions about each other, then it's time to set the facts straight. Once and for all, let us examine what men really expect from women.

Men expect women to communicate their thoughts and feelings directly and honestly.Men don't like it when women make them second-guess their actions. They expect their partner to express herself truthfully, and to verbalize her thoughts and feelings to help him understand her better. They don't like playing emotional charades. If his lady has certain needs and wants that he must fulfill, a man wants to know it straight from her. However, men prefer a gentle, kind and loving way of communication. It will never do to be demanding, whining, and critical of him.

Men expect women to be confident. Men are attracted to confident women. Although a loving relationship is defined by sharing your life with your partner, it is still healthy to maintain a separate identity and not lose your own self. A woman should maintain her own interests, activities, and set of friends. The last thing that she should be is a clingy partner, who cannot function on her own if separated from her man. However, there should still be a balance to this, because men also want to feel needed. Being too independent may make a man fear that his partner is no longer truly committed to him.

Men expect women to be faithful and devoted. Another common misconception is that men are more likely to commit infidelity in a relationship, so it often the women who are heard as saying that they wished their man would be more faithful and devoted. In reality, no man would want to be cheated and betrayed by his girl as well. When a man is in a relationship, he expects his partner to be committed and willing to make the relationship work out.

Men expect women to know how to treat them right. Treating them right means knowing how to make them feel good. Men have a need to be praised, appreciated, and supported in their opinions. Stroking his ego once in a while would do him good, as long as it’s done sincerely and not in a patronizing way.

No matter how they resent being baffled by the riddle that is men, towards the end, women still try their best to understand and live in harmony with them. After all, the situation is fairly mutual. Women also have their own set of behaviors that puzzle men to no end.


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