Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Love Letter I never Sent

My Dearest Love,

I have longed to tell you the words,
I have kept secretly hidden..
In the places of my heart.
Yet when I am in the midst,
Of your presence..
Gazing deep into your eyes,
Mere words escape me.
Rendering me numb,
Only to melt into...
The essence of your beauty.

How sad I am to have
never had the courage
to have told you of the
dreams and the hopeless
desire that lives within me.
I have never thirsted
more or hungered any
less, and at this very
moment as my pen touches
this paper, my skin, my hand,
my mind, my every pore desires
something more of you.
If you could hold my words dear to
you and as near as the thoughts
that lie beneath my skin, my
scent is embedded between
every line I've written
as I confess, I long for more.

You don’t know me...
I am just someone you do not know exists—
But you are the reason I exist—
You are the air I breathe;
You are the sunrise and sunset of my world...
And that world, like this world,
revolves around you;

When you look my way,
and do not see me,
I die a little,
but I also try a little more
to become someone
you will someday see,
get to know, like,
and someday love...
Don’t worry—
there is nothing you need to do—
it is all up to me...
All you have to do is stay the way you are;
look around;
and maybe someday see me
the way I see you.


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