Sunday, May 29, 2011

If One Day

"If one day, you are to walk out of my life ,,,,
I promise I will never whine and never ask ' why?'
But in return, promise me that you shall
give me back a few things that I ask for.

Promise me that you will give me back
the endless sleepless nights I spent talking with you.

Promise me that you will give me back the millions of tears I cried begging God to give me you.

Promise me that you will give me back the hours I spent dreaming of a life with you.

Promise me that you will give me back all the hopes and faith I had in my heart.

All those nights, I could have slept well and woke up early to help my folks.

All those tears I could have cried for something
genuine and in asking forgiveness to God.

All those hours I could have been realistic and thought of life and the hereafter.

All the hopes I had in our love and the faith I had in you could have been directed to God.

And finally sweetheart, Promise me

That in the Hereafter you will be there to stand for me, to fight for me and tell God,
I used all tactics to make her fall for me And I led her astray…away from her family..away from prayers..
Away from herself and now away from God

So, like you always say
Together in life and together in death

But, let me add to it now that this one sin will make us
together in hell burning ourselves time and again to death…

"And put your trust in GOD if you are believers indeed.."


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