*~Sorry~* There is much that makes me sorry As i journet down life's way And i seen to see more pathos in poor Haman lives each day I'm sorry for the strong brave men Who shield the weak from harm But who in their own trouble hours Find no protecting arms... I'm sorry for the victors who have Reached success to stand As targets for the arrows shot by Envious failure's hand.. I'm sorry for the generous hearts who Freely shared their wine But drink alone the gall of tears in The fortune's drear decline.. I'm sorry for the souls who build their Own fame's funeral pyre Derided by the scornful throug like ice deriding fire.. I'm sorry for the conquering ones who Know not sin's defeat But daily tread down fierce desire "Neath scorches and bleeding feet... I'm sorry for anguished heart that Break with passion's strain But i'm sorrier for the poor starved Soul that never knew love's pain Who hunger on through barren years Not tasting joys they crave For sadder far is such a lot than weeping o'er grave... I'm sorry for the souls that come unwelcome into birth... I'm so sorry for the unloved old who cumber up the earth.. I'm sorry for the suffering poor in life's Great maelstrom hurled in truth... I'm sorry for them all who make this Aching world... But underneath what'er seems sad And is not understood I know there lies from our sight A mighty germ of good... And this belief stands firm by me My sermon , motto , text.. The sorriest things in this life Will seem grandest in the next. | |
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